Channel Islands stamps

This stamp, showing Alderney lighthouse (also known as Mannez lighthouse) was issued on 27 Oct 2011 in Jersey.

Mannez L/H | 27 Oct 2011 Mannez L/H | 27 Oct 2011

The next stamp was issued by Guernsey on 27 Oct 2011. It is the fourth stamp in a set of 7 and shows St. Peter Port Breakwater lighthouse.

St. Peter Port L/H | 27 Oct 2011 St. Peter Port L/H | 27 Oct 2011

The last stamp was issued by Jersey on 10 Jan 2012 and shows Corbiere Lighthous in the background. Photos & Maps.

La Corbiere L/H | 10 Jan 2012 La Corbiere L/H | 10 Jan 2012


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