Jersey Lighthouse Stamps, 24 April 2004

On 24 April 2024, Jersey Post issued a beautiful set of six stamps including a souvenir sheet to commemorate 150 years since the first lighting of La Corbière Lighthouse. The full title of the issue is “SEPAC Iconic Tourist Destination: 150 Years of La Corbière Lighthouse: First Lit 1874”.

La Corbière L/H | 24 Apr 2024 | A1620 La Corbière L/H | 24 Apr 2024 | A1620 La Corbière L/H | 24 Apr 2024 | A1620 La Corbière L/H | 24 Apr 2024 | A1620 La Corbière L/H | 24 Apr 2024 | A1620 La Corbière L/H | 24 Apr 2024 | A1620 La Corbière L/H | 24 Apr 2024 | A1620 La Corbière L/H | 24 Apr 2024 | A1620 La Corbière L/H | 24 Apr 2024 | A1620 La Corbière L/H | 24 Apr 2024 | A1620 La Corbière L/H | 24 Apr 2024 | A1620 La Corbière L/H | 24 Apr 2024 | A1620


Thanks to Michael Ellison for information about this issue

See more lighthouse stamps from Jersey here

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