Category Archives: Lighthouses

Macau Lighthouse Stamp, November 2023

On 9 November 2023, Macau Post issued a set of stamps to commemorate 70 years of the Macau Grand Prix. At the top, center of the souvenir sheet, we see a line drawing of Guia Lighthouse.


Guia L/H | 9 Nov 2023 | P3416 | Image source: Macau Post Guia L/H | 9 Nov 2023 | P3416 | Image source: Macau Post


Thanks to Jaap Termes for information about this issue.

See more lighthouse stamps from Macau here

French Polynesia Lighthouse Stamp, November 2023

On 8 Nov 2023, French Polynesia issued a set of stamps commemorating Tourist Spots in Tahiti. One of the stamps depicts Point Venus Lighthouse as does the margin of the sheet of 25 of these stamps. There was also a souvenir sheet included in the issue.

Point Venus L/H | 8 Nov 2023 | K4952 Point Venus L/H | 8 Nov 2023 | K4952


Point Venus L/H | 8 Nov 2023 | K4952 Point Venus L/H | 8 Nov 2023 | K4952


Point Venus L/H | 8 Nov 2023 | K4952 Point Venus L/H | 8 Nov 2023 | K4952


Thanks to Jaap Termes for information about this issue.

See more lighthouse stamps from French Polynesia here