Category Archives: Lighthouses

Tunisia Lighthouse Stamps, June 2023

On 9 June 2023, Tunisia issued a set of two stamps commemorating “Islands of Tunisia”. Both of these stamps feature lighthouses.

Île Kuriat Lighthouse is shown on the first stamp. The light is located on an island on the northeast coast of Tunisia near the port of Monastir. The second stamp shows Galton de l’Ouest Lighthouse located on an island northwest of Cap Serrat.

Île Kuriat L/H | 9 Jun 2023 | E6380 Île Kuriat L/H | 9 Jun 2023 | E6380


Galiton de l'Ouest L/H | 9 Jun 2023 | E6464 Galiton de l'Ouest L/H | 9 Jun 2023 | E6464


Tunisia | 9 Jun 2023 Tunisia


Thanks to Jaap and  Ton for alerting us to this new issue.

See more lighthouse stamps from Tunisia here.

Brazil Lighthouse Stamps, May 2023 post #4

In this post we will examine the last two stamps in the March 2023 issue from Brazil.

First we have Ilha da Moela Lighthouse. This light is located on an island near the port of Santos.

Ilha da Moela L/H | 29 May 2023 | G0496 Ilha da Moela L/H | 29 May 2023 | G0496


Abrolhos L/H | 29 May 2023 Abrolhos L/H | 29 May 2023


The last stamp in this issue depicts Cabo Orange Lighthouse which is located at Brazil’s northernmost point on the Atlantic near the border with French Guiana.


Cabo Orange L/H | 29 May 2023 | G0000.5 Cabo Orange L/H | 29 May 2023 | G0000.5


Abrolhos L/H | 29 May 2023 Abrolhos L/H | 29 May 2023


See more lighthouse stamps from Brazil here