Russia Lighthouse Stamps, June 2023

On 30 June 2023, Russia issued the latest in the series of lighthouse stamps that was first seen in 2019. The two lighthouses shown here have been in existance for 125 years. Gorodets Lighthouse is located on the Kola Peninsula near the entrance to the White Sea. Sarych Lighthouse is located in the southern Crimea on the Black Sea.

Gorodets L/H | 30 Jun 2023 | L6553 Gorodets L/H | 30 Jun 2023 | L6553


Sarych L/H | 30 Jun 2023 | N5314 Sarych L/H | 30 Jun 2023 | N5314


Sarych L/H | 30 Jun 2003 | N5314 | Sevastopol cancellation Sarych L/H | 30 Jun 2003 | N5314 | Sevastopol cancellation


There were four first day postmarks for these stamps, one each for Sevastopol, Murmansk, St Petersburg and Moscow. See all postmarks from Russia here.

Thanks to Jaap for this information.

See more lighthouse stamps from Russia here.

Tunisia Lighthouse Stamps, June 2023

On 9 June 2023, Tunisia issued a set of two stamps commemorating “Islands of Tunisia”. Both of these stamps feature lighthouses.

Île Kuriat Lighthouse is shown on the first stamp. The light is located on an island on the northeast coast of Tunisia near the port of Monastir. The second stamp shows Galton de l’Ouest Lighthouse located on an island northwest of Cap Serrat.

Île Kuriat L/H | 9 Jun 2023 | E6380 Île Kuriat L/H | 9 Jun 2023 | E6380


Galiton de l'Ouest L/H | 9 Jun 2023 | E6464 Galiton de l'Ouest L/H | 9 Jun 2023 | E6464


Tunisia | 9 Jun 2023 Tunisia


Thanks to Jaap and  Ton for alerting us to this new issue.

See more lighthouse stamps from Tunisia here.