Tag Archives: Estonia

2014 Estonia Lighthouse Stamps

On 17 Oct 2014 Estonia Post released the latest in it’s series of lighthouse stamps. These two stamps feature the range lights, also known as leading lights for the port of Sõru on the southeast coast of Hiiumaa. These lights were re-built after World War I and completed in 1934. The rear range light is shown on the 0.55 € denomination and the front range light on the 1.30 € denomination.

Sõru Rear Range Lt. | 17 Oct 2014 | C3721.1 Sõru Rear Range Lt. | 17 Oct 2014 | C3721.1

Sõru Front Range Lt. | 17 Oct 2014 | C3721 Sõru Front Range Lt. | 17 Oct 2014 | C3721

2013 Estonia – Kiipsaare Lighthouse

The latest in the Estonia lighthouse series will be issued on 31 Jan 2013. It features Kiipsaare Lighthouse which has been in place for 80 years though has been inactive since 1992 due to beach erosion which threatens to topple it.

Kiipsaare L/H | 31 Jan 2013 | C3716 Kiipsaare L/H | 31 Jan 2013 | C3716