Tag Archives: Iceland

Iceland Lighthouses Series IV

Today, 2 Sep 2014, Iceland Post issued the latest in it’s series of lighthouse stamps. The first stamp depicts Dyrhólaey Lighthouse on the island’s south coast. Akranes Lighthouse is featured on the second stamp. This lighthouse is located on Iceland’s west coast.

Dyrhólaey L/H | 11 Sep 2014 Dyrhólaey L/H | 11 Sep 2014

Akranes L/H | 11 Sep 2014 Akranes L/H | 11 Sep 2014

2013 Iceland Lighthouse III series – Updated

Iceland Post issued the two stamps shown below on 12 September 2013. This was announced in a post here on 4 Jan 2013. This is the third pair of stamps in the Iceland Lighthouse series and features  Skarðsfjara Lighthouse and Vattarnes Lighthouse.

Skarðsfjara L/H | 12 Sep 2013 Skarðsfjara L/H | 12 Sep 2013 Vattarnes L/H | 12 Sep 2013 Vattarnes L/H | 12 Sep 2013