Tag Archives: Isle of Man

2012 Isle of Man Minor Lighthouses

This set of 6 stamps was issued by Isle of Man on 2 April 2012. The principle lighthouses along the Manx coast are maintained by the Commissioners of Northern Lights but there are other ‘minor’ lighthouses maintained by local harbor authorities. These minor lights are depicted on this set of stamps.

The 1p stamp shows the Castletown Harbor Lighthouse located on the end of the outer breakwater. It was built of limestone in 1849 when Castletown was the capital of the island. The smaller light at the left marks the inner harbor entrance.  On the 68p stamp we see the Douglas Harbor Lighthouse at the end of Battery Pier built in 1876. The 75p stamps depicts Peel Harbor Lighthouse built in 1896. The £1.00 stamp shows the pier lighthouses at Laxey Harbour.  Ramsey Harbor South Pier Lighthouse is shown on the £1.30 stamp. The final stamp in the set valued at £1.60 depicts the lighthouse on the Quay protecting the inner harbor at Port St. Mary.