2019 Germany Lighthouse Stamp

On 6 June 2019 Deutschen Post issued a new stamp showing Campen Lighthouse (not to be confused with Kampen Lighthouse). This is a new stamp design and hopefully we will see more in this series. Campen L/H is the tallest in Germany and 14th tallest in the world and houses the most powerful of all lighthouse lamps in Germany. The mechanical building on the site houses a working diesel engine that was built in 1906. The lights shown by Campen are very interesting. There is a very narrow beam that shines down the middle of the navigation channel that shows a fixed white light. Narrow sector lights which flash are located on either side of the fixed light to indicated that approaching vessels are off the center line.

Campen L/H | 6/6/2019 | B0983 Campen L/H | 6/6/2019 | B0983


Campen L/H | 6/6/2019 | B0983 Campen L/H | 6/6/2019 | B0983


See more German lighthouse stamps here.

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