2020 Lighthouse Stamp From Spain

On 30 June 2020, Correos (Spain) issued a very interesting stamp to commemorate the 150th anniversary of the Royal Yacht Club of Santander. Below are four images but they are from the same stamp. Because of the way the stamp is printed using a prismatic process, as one views the stamp from different angles the sailboat appears to move through the water. At the right edge of the stamp we see La Cerda Lighthouse which is located at the eastern end of the Peninsula de Magdalena.

La Cerda L/H | 30 Jun 2020 La Cerda L/H | 30 Jun 2020 La Cerda L/H | 30 Jun 2020 La Cerda L/H | 30 Jun 2020 La Cerda L/H | 30 Jun 2020 La Cerda L/H | 30 Jun 2020 La Cerda L/H | 30 Jun 2020 La Cerda L/H | 30 Jun 2020


Thanks to Jaap for information about this stamp.

To see more lighthouse stamps from Spain, click here

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