Category Archives: Frama labels

Åland 2022 Lighthouse Frama Label

On 1 Feb 2022 Åland Post issued a set of four frama labels (ATM stamps) to commemorate its anniversary year. One of the labels shows a stylized version of Lågskär Lighthouse. Lågskär L/H built in 1920 is located on an island south of Åland’s main port of Mariehamn.

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Åland | Lågskär L/H | 1 Feb 2022 | FDC Åland | Lågskär L/H | 1 Feb 2022 | FDC


Thanks to Jaap, Mike and Michael for providing information about this issue.

See more lighthouse stamps from Åland here.


2021 Guernsey Lighthouse Issues

*** Updated with new information

We have two recent lighthouse issues from Guernsey. The first is a variation of the previously issued Post & Go label featuring Baliwick Planes. This variation commemorates the 2021 Virtual Spring Stampex and was issued on 11 March 2021. It shows White Rock Pier L/H and Castle Breakwater Lighthouse.

The second issue is part of the Europa: Endangered National Wildlife series issued on 7 Apr 2021. Noirmont Lighthouse on Jersey is shown at the margin of the sheet of 10 stamps showing the basking shark. I have been informed that this is not Noirmont L/H but Vivian Tower, a daymark at the approaches to St. Peter Port in the Little Russel Channel. Thanks, Jaap.


White Rock Pier L/H & Castle Breakwater L/H | 25 Mar 2021 White Rock Pier L/H & Castle Breakwater L/H | 25 Mar 2021


Noirmont Point L/H | 7 Apr 2021 Noirmont Point L/H | 7 Apr 2021


Thanks to Jaap for information about this issue.

See more lighthouse stamps from Guernsey here