Category Archives: Lighthouses

Åland Islands Christmas 2022

Christmas came early this year when the Åland Islands issued a set of two stamps for the Christmas season on 20 Oct 2022. One of the stamps is for domestic mail and the one pictured here is for international postage. It features Sälskär Lighthouse. This lighthouse which dates from 1868 is located on an island in the northern part of the Åland Islands.

Sälskär L/H | 20 Oct 2022 Sälskär L/H | 20 Oct 2022


Thanks to our three main contributors to the site: Jaap Termes, Michael Ellison and Mike DePaz for information about this issue.

See more lighthouse stamps from Åland Islands here.

Oman Lighthouse Stamp

Jaap found another obscure stamp. It’s from Oman and is the first lighthouse stamp from that country posted on this site. Sur Lighthouse, also known as Al Ayjah L/H is located at the entrance to the small port of Sur near the easternmost point of the Arabian peninsula.

Sur L/H | 2020 Sur L/H | 2020


Thanks to Jaap Termes for finding this one!