Tunisia Lighthouse Stamp, July 2023

On 11 July 2023, Tunisia issued a set of two stamps to commemorate the Manarat Mediterranean Film Festival. One of these stamps has a stylized lighthouse in it’s design.

Stylized L/H | 11 Jul 2023 Stylized L/H | 11 Jul 2023


Thanks to Jaap and Mike DePaz for information about this issue.

See more lighthouse stamps from Tunisia here.


Bahamas Lighthouse Stamp, July 2023

On 6 July 2023 the Bahamas issued a set of 4 stamps to celebrate 50 years of Bahamian independence. One of these stamps incorporates a stylized lighthouse in it’s design.

Stylized L/H | 6 Jul 2023 Stylized L/H | 6 Jul 2023


Thanks to Jaap for information about this issue.

See more lighthouse stamps from the Bahamas here.