2021 Argentina Lighthouse Stamp

Correo Argentina issued a booklet of stamps on 27 July 2021 to commemorate the bicentennial of the Province of Buenos Aires. One of the 8 stamps in the booklet depicts Punta Magotes Lighthouse. This lighthouse which dates from 1891 marks a prominent headland south of the entrance to the Rio de la Plata.

Punta Mogotes L/H | 26 Jul 2021 | G0913 Punta Mogotes L/H | 26 Jul 2021 | G0913


Punta Magotes L/H | 26 Jul 2021 | G0913 | booklet pane Punta Magotes L/H | 26 Jul 2021 | G0913 | booklet pane


Thanks to Jaap and Mike for information about this issue.

See more lighthouse stamps from Argentina here

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