2022 Aland Lighthouse Frama Label

On 1 Feb 2022 Aland issued a set of four frama labels (ATM stamps). One of these shows a sketch of Lågskär Lighthouse. This lighthouse is located on the island of the same name on the southern approach to Mariehamn.

Lågskär L/H | 1 Feb 2022 | ATM Label Lågskär L/H | 1 Feb 2022 | ATM Label


Thanks to Michael Elllison for reminding me to post this issue.

See more lighthouse stamps from Aland here

Iraq Lighthouse Stamp, January 2023

On 8 Jan 2023 Iraq issued a stamp showing Al Faw Grand Port East Breakwater Lighthouse. Al Faw Grand Port, located at the north end of the Persian Gulf is currently under construction and, when finished, will eclipse Jebel Ali as the largest port in the Middle East. The lighthouse stands at the end of the massive East Breakwater.

Al Faw Grand Port East Breakwater L/H | 8 Jan 2023 Al Faw Grand Port East Breakwater L/H | 8 Jan 2023


Thanks to Mike DePaz for alerting us to this stamp.